Used since last report: 0.00 yards
Used year to Date: 10.33 yards
Added since last report: 4.00 yards
Added Year to Date: 12.00 yards
Added Year to Date: 12.00 yards
Net Used for 2014: 1.67 yards
I am so busted!! Needless to say, I was at a quilt shop in Minneapolis for a class and they had some fun bargain fabrics. The shop is "Four Seasons Quilt Shop." For all of you Civil War lovers, they had a wonderful selection. Couldn't resist the following additions, especially since they were from the bargain area. I did have to purchase the watermelon fabric even though it wasn't on sale. Caught again! LOL
These will make some fun additions to my scrap quilts. I do not have a lot of pink in my stash, so the pink fabrics great additions. Even a couple of Civil War fabrics have been added.
We went to a smelt fry in Harding, MN. They tasted so good! It has been a few years since I have had the opportunity to eat smelt. They are usually caught on Lake Superior when the spawning season starts.
I just finished the series of "A Cobbled Court Quilts" books by Marie Bostwick. They are very good books. Her books cover subjects of the poor economy, domestic violence, and divorce, as well as, how quilting adds friends to our life. It has been a long time since I just put my butt down and did some serious reading. Usually I listen to audio books while sewing. That means I can multitask but It was nice to just relax and read a book.
Wayne and I went to a show today. It has been ages since the Hubster went to the movies with me. We saw "Heaven is for Real." Very good and followed the book fairly well. The little boy that played Colter was adorable. It was so nice to see that the theater was just about full.
Hugs to all and make sure you hop over to Patchwork Times and see what others are doing.
Hugs, Beth