Sunday, April 29, 2012

Quiet in the Sewing Room

Well, not much to report in the sewing room. This last week I did cut and prepare fabric kits for 14 pillowcases for the women's shelter. There is going to be a sewing day at the public library on Monday and I plan to sew the pillowcases. WooHoo ---- That will let me be able to report some stash reduction.

This weekend was bowling tournament. Can I say that it was not pretty????!!!!!  We had to bowl at 8:00 am on Saturday and that was altogether too early for me. I am NOT a morning person!!!!! LOL When we bowled doubles it sure was nothing to brag about.  Not one of our team did all that well.  I did manage to bowl half way decent for the singles event.

On Sunday, we bowled our team event and again it was nothing to brag about but we always have fun.
Bowling team left to right:  Me, Mickey, Wendy, Tammy 
Can't say the green shirts were the most attractive color we have ever worn, but we always buy a tournament shirt to wear for some of the events. Course, there had been a little bit of party time on Saturday evening.

1 comment:

  1. I love to bowl! I'm not very good at it - not enough strength in my wrists - but it is so much fun! You look like you had a really good time :*)
